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10 weeks with this training plan at home (without gym) guarantee fat burning

10 weeks with this training plan at home (without gym) guarantee fat burning

 Everyone should exercise and so should you! No matter how busy you are, time to exercise and take care of yourself is really important. But going from there is often the hardest part. So we’re going to have to talk about the proper way to do the exercises in this plan.



Start by lying down with your back flat on the floor. Raise your legs and put them at a ninety degree angle to your body. Cross your hands in front of your chest or put them behind your head (without bringing them together). Leave a space of one fist between your chin and chest. Finally, bend until your elbows or your chest reach your knees. Make sure you are not using your back, neck, or leg muscles. Breathe out as you flex and breathe in as you lie down.



Squatting is all about balance – get your feet shoulder-width apart. Next, she begins to squat down as if she were slowly sitting down on a low imaginary chair. Knees and feet should form a straight line. Try to pull your lower back up as far as you can. You can also help maintain balance by stretching your arms out in front of you, as shown in the image. When you are down, begin to push yourself up as slowly as you can.



Lunges offer a wide variety of benefits, including building a tight butt, strong quads and hamstrings, and increased core strength. Doing them regularly will help you run faster and improve your flexibility.



Push-ups help strengthen your shoulders, triceps, and chest, while also maximally activating your core, especially your abs. Among other things, having a tight and strong core will improve your posture, back health, and stability.

Sit on the wall

So, you need to start with your back against a wall with your feet shoulder-width and about two feet from the wall and then slowly slide your back down the wall. That’s until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

Then you need to adjust your feet if you need to so that your knees are directly above your ankles and next to keep your back flat against the wall and then you need to hold the position for 20 to 60 seconds, then rest 30 seconds, and you need to repeat the exercise three times.

Later you can increase your hold time by five seconds as you increase your strength and you may feel a burning sensation in the quads. But if you have pain in the knee or kneecap you need to stop the exercise.



Let’s start with what it seems to be one of the best yet underrated exercises of all time – the plank. 

Easy to perform at home, the plank requires no special equipment whatsoever. 

It will get your body nicely shaped with the help of some of the best diet pills and a healthy diet plan! It will build your core and make your abs and shoulders stronger than ever.


Box jumps

You will need a box on which you need to jump and hold the squatting position. Then, release and step down and repeat again.

Butt kicks

Butt kicks

Butt kicks are easy to do, and they can be done almost anywhere — at a gym, on a track, or even in your living room.

Now that we have outlined the basics let’s get into the ten week program. This program can be done anywhere, including your home.


● Squats (twenty)
● Sit on the wall (twenty-five seconds)
● Plank (fifteen seconds)
● Pushups (five)
● Jumps (thirty-five)
● Crunches (twenty five)
● lunges (fifteen)
● crunches (ten)
● Butt kicks (ten)


● Squats (ten)
● Crunches (twenty)
● jumps (ten)
● push-ups (ten)
● lunges (twenty five)
● Crunches (thirty-five)
● Sit on the wall (45 seconds)
● Plank (thirty seconds)
● Butt kicks (twenty)


● Squats (fifteen)
● Crunches (thirty)
● Sit-ups (thirty)
● Sit on the wall (35 seconds)
● jumps (fifty)
● Butt kicks (twenty five)
● lunges (twenty five)
● Plank (40 seconds)
● push-ups (ten)


● Squats (thirty-five)
● Crunches (twenty)
● lunges (fifteen)
● Planks (thirty seconds)
● crunches (fifty)
● Sit on the wall (sixty seconds)
● Butt kicks (thirty-five)
● Jumps (twenty five)
● push-ups (twenty)


● Squats (twenty five)
● Crunches (forty)
● Planks (sixty seconds)
● push-ups (thirty)
● Sit-ups (thirty)
● Jumps (fifty-five)
● Sit on the wall (45 seconds)
● Butt kicks (fifty)


 first week – 20 second sprint, 30 second running on the spot (repeat five times)
 second week – 35 second forty sprint, 45 second running on the spot (repeat six times)
 week three – 45 second sprint, 60 second running on the spot (repeat seven times)
 week four – 50 second forty sprint, 45 second running on the spot (repeat eight times)
 week five – 55 second forty sprint, 30 second running on the spot (repeat seven times)
 week six – forty 60 second sprint, 45 second running on the spot (repeat six times)
 week seven – forty 65 second sprint, 60 second running on the spot (repeat five times)
 week eight – forty 70 second sprint, 45 second running on the spot (repeat six times)
 week 9 – forty 75 second sprint, 30 second running on the spot (repeat seven times)
 week 10 – forty 80 second sprint, 45 second running on the spot (repeat eight times)

Now you have everything you need at your disposal to start an exercise routine where you don’t need a gym or any training equipment. Remember to pair the day’s workouts with that week’s cardio, and rest on the weekends so your body can repair itself.