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8 Moves for Flat Abs That Aren’t Crunches!

8 Moves for Flat Abs That Aren’t Crunches!

Getting your abs in shape is certainly not an easy task. It requires a lot of dedication and patients. However, what is most important is to know what you’re doing and which exercises to practice.

In today’s article, we present to you a program that specifically targets the abdominal section and will provide you great results in a very short time.

These exercises are commonly practiced by dancers, cheerleaders or anyone that wants a great looking stomach and are good for women and men equally.

The workout structure:

–   7 minutes to complete each of these exercises in Circuit 1 maximizing repetitions

–  After Circuit 1, have a 30-second rest and reset the timer for another 7 minutes, and while completing Circuit 2, try to work as fast as you can,


Ab Bikes x 40 reps

ab bikes

 Plank x 30 sec


 Straight Leg Raises x 20 reps

straight leg raises

Mountain Climbers x 40 reps

mountain climber


Scissor Kicks x 30 reps

scissor kicks

Snap Jumps x 20 reps

snap jump

Weighted Bent Leg Jackknifes x 15 reps

weighted bent leg jackknife

Commandos x 20 reps
