4-Minutes A Day Exercises Yield Results In Less Than Month
It may sound impossible that you can change your body in just a few
minutes a day but if you are willing enough for the challenge you will be
surprised at the results in just a month.
The plank exercise is a vital one for tightening the core and abdomen of
the body. If you think that this exercise is easy then you probably have
tried it before. That is why in this challenge you start with a shorter
time and then increasing it with time.
This simple exercise will also improve your stamina and boost your energy
levels. The only thing you need to do is be consistent and make sure you
don’t skip days.
Day 1 — 20 seconds
Day 2 — 20 seconds
Day 3 — 30 seconds
Day 4 — 30 seconds
Day 5 — 40 seconds
Day 6 — Rest
Day 7 — 45 seconds
Day 8 — 45 seconds
Day 9 — 60 seconds
Day 10 — 60 seconds
Day 11 — 60 seconds
Day 12 — 90 seconds
Day 13 — Rest
Day 14 — 90 seconds
Day 15 — 90 seconds
Day 16 — 120 seconds
Day 17 — 120 seconds
Day 18 — 150 seconds
Day 19 — Rest
Day 20 — 150 seconds
Day 21 — 150 seconds
Day 22 — 180 seconds
Day 23 — 180 seconds
Day 24 — 210 seconds
Day 25 — Rest
Day 26 — 210 seconds
Day 27 — 240 seconds
Day 28 — As long as you can!
It is very important to do this exercise right to achieve the desired
results. Make sure your back is straight and your elbows directly under
the shoulders to ensure proper weight distribution.
separate the legs slightly and your thighs should be touching. While
doing the exercise breath slowly.