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7 Proven Moves To Tighten Your Tushy Fast

7 Proven Moves To Tighten Your Tushy Fast

The gluteus maximus is the biggest muscle in our body, it is also known as backside or the butt. There are 7 exercises to tighten, tone and tame your tushy.

Frog Lift with Ball

Frog Lift with Ball

Use a ball or pillow or just bring the heels together. Your belly down should not be pressed hard when you lift up legs. The knees are out to the sides and the glutes should be engaged.

Donkey Kicks with Band

Get on all fours so that your hands are shoulder width apart and your knees are straight below your hips. Bracing your abdomen and keeping your knee bent lift one leg up behind you until it is in line with your body and your foot is parallel to the ceiling. Keep a 90-degree bend with your moving leg. 15 reps 3 sets

Side Plank Hip Abduction

Side Plank Hip Abduction

Start this exercise standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then do a regular squat and finish it jumping up in the air. When you land, lower your body back into a squat position. Repeat it ten times. Perform 12 times on the right side and 12 times on the left side.

Weights (Kettlebell) Swing

Weights (Kettlebell) Swing

Your feet should be outside of the shoulders and kettlebell between your toes. Looking straight ahead with the chest lifted, squat down and grab the bell. First, kick the ball back to gain momentum, then by squeezing the glutes hard explode out of the squat. Your knees should not bend again until the bell passes between them. The chest is in lifted position the entire time.

Romanian Deadlift

Romanian Deadlift

As you hold the dumbells push one foot behind you, shift the weight into the right foot, and with the back straight, hinge at the hips and raise the left leg in order to position the torso parallelly to the floor.

Resistance Band Hydrants

Resistance Band Hydrants

While you’re on all fours, place the resistant band around your knees. After that lif one leg on a side. Repeat on the other knee as well.