4 Crazy Abs Workout For Women
Many fitness instructors complicate the process when it comes to making
the perfect abs. In truth, you don’t need a lot of variations of
WWhat matters the most is the food that we consume and exercises that are
effective and workout your whole abdomen section.
In today’s article, we present to you just that! All the exercises you
need to do for the perfect abs. All you need to be is consistent with
great results.
Russian Twists:
Sit down on the floor, lif your legs and back as much as you can. With
your arms spread forward, turn to one side of the body and then to the
next. Repeat this exercise for 10 times.
Body Saw:
Start in a forearm plank position. Shoulders should be stacked over your
elbows and your hips should be level. Shift forward and back, bringing
your shoulders in front of your elbows then back shifting weight in the
direction of your heels. Forward and back is one rep.
Leg Raises:
First, lay down on your back and place your hands on the floor. Raise
your legs up in the air and hold them for several seconds. Lower your legs
down without touching the floor and lif them again. Repeat this exercise
10 times.
Spider Plank:
Get into plank position, feet shoulder-width apart and hands directly
under shoulders to start. Engaging core, bring right knee to the outside
of right elbow without shifting weight to the left side. Return to
starting position and switch sides, bringing left knee to left elbow. Keep
body weight centered throughout.