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20 Stretching Exercises For Beginners Showing You Exactly Which Muscles To Stretch

20 Stretching Exercises For Beginners Showing You Exactly Which Muscles To Stretch

Everyone needs good stretching, whatever your lifestyle or fitness level. Stretching improves circulation in the tissues, increases joint mobility, and allows you to keep your muscles in tone.

In addition, regular stretching can help improve your flexibility, which is an important fitness factor, as well as improve posture, reduce stress and body aches and more.

To better understand which muscle groups are stretched during a particular exercise, we has gathered for you a selection of pictures showing the process of stretches.

Each exercise will take between 5 and 30 seconds, depending on your fitness level.

Stretching exercises for beginners

Check these awesome illustrations!

1. Camel Pose

Muscles highlighted: Rectus Abdominus and External Obliques. This stretch is best reserved for people who have good flexibility already.  Sit on your heels and place your hands behind you as you push your hips up and forward. Avoiding putting too much pressure on your lumbar spine. If you have neck problems do not drop your head back.

2. Wide Forward Fold

Muscles highlighted: Adductors. This is a great exercise to open the hips, and stretch the adductors and hamstrings.  Start this stretch with your knees bent, and spine straight.  As your muscles begin to release you can slowly straighten your legs, round out your back and reach for your feet.  Lightly pull on the bottom of the balls of your feet to release the calf muscles as well.  If you can not reach your feet you can use a belt or towel. You can also perform this stretch lying on your back with your feet going up the wall.

3. Frog Pose

Muscles Highlighted: Adductors. This is a deep groin stretch that can place pressure on your knees so it’s helpful to be on a soft surface.  Start by resting on your hands and knees and slowly bring your knees wider until you feel a good stretch in your groin muscles. You will feel slight variations in the stretch as you actively push your hips back and forward.

4. Wide Side Lunge Pose

Muscles Highlighted: Adductors. Start with both feet forward in a wide stance with your legs as straight as possible.  Slowly walk your hands to your right foot while bending your right knee and rotating your left toes up to the ceiling, sitting into your right hip.  Keep your right foot flat on the ground.

5. Butterfly Stretch

Muscles Highlighted: Adductors. Start in a seated position and bring the soles of your feet together and sit tall through your sit bones. Progress this stretch by placing pressure on your knees with your hands. The closer your feet are to your body the more you will stretch your groin muscles.  Bring your feet farther from your hips and slowly round your upper body to release your back muscles.

6. Forearm Extensor Stretch

Muscles Highlighted: Forearm Extensor. Start by packing your shoulder down and back, then externally rotate the shoulder for the optimal position to stretch the forearm muscle. Once in this position apply pressure to your opposing hand to begin the stretch.  You can progress this stretch by touching the tips of your fingers together in a tea cup shape.

7. Lateral Side Flexion of the Neck

Muscles Highlighted: Sternocleidomastoid “SCM”. Try to keep your neck as long as possible while slowly dropping your ear to your shoulder, making sure you are not collapsing your cervical spine. You can progress this stretch by being seated on a chair and grabbing the bottom of the seat. This will help you create consistent tension down the arm and neck which will allow you to target the upper traps.

8. Neck Rotation Stretch

Muscles Highlighted: Sternocleidomastoid “SCM”. Start by slowly rotating your neck, while keeping your chin slightly elevated to isolate the SCM.  If you would like to get a deeper stretch apply pressure with the opposite hand from the direction that you are rotating.

9. Neck Extension Stretch

Muscles Highlighted: Sternocleidomastoid “SCM”. Start by placing your hands on your hips, while keeping your spine long start to tilt your head back, making sure you are not collapsing your cervical spine.

10. Lateral Side Flexion of the Neck with Hand Assistance

Muscles Highlighted: Sternocleidomastoid “SCM” and Upper Trapezius.  Try to keep your neck as long as possible while slowly dropping your ear to your shoulder, making sure you are not collapsing your cervical spine. You can progress this stretch by being seated on a chair while grabbing the bottom of the seat.  This will help you create consistent tension down the arm and neck which will allow you to target the upper traps.

11. Half Kneeling Quad / Hip Flexor Stretch

Muscles Highlighted: Psoas and Quadracep. Start in a half-kneeling position. As you slowly bring your right hip forward you should begin to feel a stretch in the front of your hip. Grab your back foot and squeeze your back glute to increase the stretch on your Hip Flexors.

12. Forearm Extensor Stretch

Muscles Highlighted: Forearm Extensor. Start by packing your shoulder down and back, then externally rotate the shoulder for the optimal position to stretch the forearm muscle. Once in this position apply pressure to your opposing hand to begin the stretch.  You can progress this stretch by touching the tips of your fingers together in a tea cup shape.

13. Down Dog Variation at the Wall

Muscles Highlighted: Pectorals and Latissimus Dorsi. Position yourself far enough from a wall or rack so that when you touch the wall your body becomes parallel to the ground.  Move into this position by hinging at the hips and keeping your spine straight.  Once in position, push your chest forward creating a slight arch in your upper back, stretching your lats and chest muscles. If you have tight hamstrings try bending at the knees.

14. Assisted Chest Stretch Variation

Muscles Highlighted: Pectorals. Start by lying face down on the floor with your palms facing down. As your partner pulls back on your hands you will feel a deep stretch in your chest muscles. Avoid this stretch if you have impingement of the shoulder.

stretching exercises for beginners

15. Straight and oblique muscles. 

Avoid doing this exercise if you regularly suffer from lower back pain.

16. Straight, oblique and gluteal muscles. 

This exercise is especially useful for relieving sciatica pain. Your back should be pressed against the floor. Breathe smoothly and deeply, increasing the strength of the stretch as you exhale.

stretching exercises for beginners

17. Chest and latitude muscles. 

Stand up away from the support and get a good rot. Tense up your abs.

18. Chest muscles.

 This exercise is for deep stretching of the chest muscles. You can’t do without the help of a partner here. It is not recommended for people who have survived a broken or dislocated collarbone.

19. Upper trapezius muscle. 

Keep your spine straight, trying not to sag sideways. Tilt your head slightly toward the shoulder opposite the one you are stretching.

20. Rhomboid and upper trapezius muscles. 

In addition to stretching the muscles, this exercise is extremely useful for relaxing the thoracic spine.

When you do stretching exercises, you should not feel tension or pressure in your joints. You should concentrate on your breathing and stretch as hard as you can, gradually increasing your effort. You can do muscle stretching in the morning as an alternative to exercise.
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