15-Minute Full Body Workout You Can Do Anywhere
When it comes to exercising most people think about the gym and some
expensive programs. But in order to achieve great results, you can do so
at home without any specialized equipment. It is important to be
consistent and do the exercises every day for at least a month and the
results will surprise you.
1. Push-Up
Start on your hands and knees with your hands underneath your shoulders.
Then come onto the balls of your feet and the heels of your hands, and
then walk the feet back until you are in the plank position. Bend your
elbows, lowering your body down. Then slowly push yourself back up to the
starting position.
2. Bicycle Crunches
Place your hands on top of your head and lift your legs up. Move your
legs as you are riding a bicycle. Do this as much as you can.
3. Jumping Squats
Start with your feet and shoulder wide apart. spread your hands in front
of you and remember to keep your back straight at all times. Now slowly
move down as you are sitting on a chair as much as you can. Get back into
the initial position and repeat the process. Repeat this exercise 20
4. Lunges
Start the exercises standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your
hands on your hips. Then step forward with one leg and flex your knees
until your rear knee nearly touches the floor. After that, bring your body
back. Switch legs and Repeat it 20 times
5. Side Plank
Start this exercise standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then do
a regular squat and finish it jumping up in the air. When you land, lower
your body back into a squat position. Repeat it ten times.
6. Mountain Climber
As you place your arms and feet on the floor, move your legs as you were
climbing atop while keeping your hands fixed on the ground.
7. Bridge
Lay down on the ground with your palms facing down and your feet static
on the floor. Lif your body by using your feet and hips. Repeat it 15