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5 Leg Workouts You Can Do At Home Without Equipment

5 Leg Workouts You Can Do At Home Without Equipment

These basic workouts are simple but very effective for toning your legs and buttocks from anywhere in your home.

leg-workouts-at-home Legs are an essential part of any type of physical activity. Keeping your legs in shape is within everyone’s reach. It’s all a matter of doing a few simple leg exercises focused on the different muscle groups that make up the lower body, to strengthen, tone and slim legs, with no need to leave your home and without any equipment.

For those who have little sporting habit, these five exercises can be performed twice a week in three sets of ten repetitions. For those who already have a more established habit, four sets of 15 repetitions would be the ideal amount. Between exercises it is advisable to rest between 30 and 60 seconds depending on each body.

Here are five simple workouts to tone your legs at home.

1- Basic Squat

Basic Squat

The squat is one of the best known and most useful exercises when it comes to working your legs without using much space or equipment. This simple movement consists of bending your knees until they are at a 45º angle. A well executed squat strengthens the legs, glutes and many other lower body muscles as well as contributing to improved mobility and keeping joints and bones in good shape. But poorly executed they can lead to lower back and knee problems, so it is very important to execute them correctly.

It is important to start from a comfortable posture standing with feet shoulder width apart and gradually proceed to make a movement like sitting on a chair keeping the abdominal muscles active and legs in tension. We must avoid pulling the knees inward in the process or putting the weight of the body too far forward or backward. As a general rule, the knees should not go beyond the tips of the toes when performing the flexion, but people with good ankle mobility may feel comfortable in that position and the exercise would not be poorly executed.

You can repeat this exercise for 20 times.

2- Sumo Squat

Sumo Squat

This variation of the previous exercise helps to focus the work on the gluteal muscles and is performed using the same technique as the basic squat but with the feet wider apart. As its name suggests, the sumo squat is inspired by the position adopted by sumo wrestlers in their matches. During the bending of the knees it is important to keep the back straight and contract the abdomen and gluteus to activate the muscles we want to work. When descending, it is important that the knees are not pulled inward, just as when ascending to avoid injury to this joint. Breathing is also important in this exercise, we must take air up, keep it during the descent and expel it when going up.

This workout can be performed with weights to intensify the work and add upper trunk activation in muscles such as dorsal, trapezius, shoulders or arms since the weight, which is usually a kettlebell, is held with the arms extended between the legs.

Set your goal of 15 repetitions.

3- Abduction with rubber band

Abduction with rubber band

This exercise strengthens the inner thighs and is based on performing leg extensions from a seated position. This movement can be performed simply with the resistance offered by the body or add a rubber band or short band to add resistance to the movement and thus work with greater intensity.

During the execution of the movement it is important to keep the back straight, without curving it, to avoid lumbar problems and to focus the effort on the gluteus and the inner and outer thighs.

Perform 15 repeats

4- Lunge


Lunge is an exercise in which you step forward or backward and bend your knees until the one behind you approaches or touches the ground. There are many variations of this movement depending on the muscle on which you want to focus the work, but the basic one focuses the work on quadriceps and gluteus and consists of lowering the knee straight to the floor.

From a vertical position, step forward keeping the torso as straight as possible and perpendicular to the ground during the movement, avoiding as much as possible the swing. Once the front foot is supported, proceed downwards avoiding that the leg that moves forward does not bend more than 90º at the knee.

Continue this exercise for 20 repeats

5- Calves


You can also do a series of exercises to tighten your legs by stretching and contracting your calves. To do this, stand with your toes on a step, stand on tiptoe and slowly lower yourself down until your heel is below the line of the step. In this way, the movement and contraction of the calf will be more extensive.

Stand on tiptoe and remain static for 20 seconds. Rest for 3 seconds and repeat this exercise 20 times.

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