5 Moves To Lose Side Fat And Get A Slim Waist
Side fat is excess fat on the sides of the waist. It is commonly known as
muffin-top, and you can get rid of it by doing side fat exercises. These
exercises are simple, easy and help you get rid of side fat quickly.
All you need is a mat and 15 minutes of your time each day. In just a few
weeks, you can reduce side fat and make your waist thinner.
So I’ m wondering, what exercises should you do for this area? Here are
the best side fat exercises you can try.
1.Side plank with pelvic lift
The starting position is a side plank on the elbow. First do 2-3 sets of
30-40 seconds each, keeping your hips elevated and keeping your body in a
straight line. Then perform pelvic raises – 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps for the
left and right sides of the body.
2. Bicycle
A key exercise for developing side abs. Lying on your back, place your
hands behind your head (only slightly touching it with your fingers and
avoiding pressure), then extend one leg and bend the other in the knee.
Twisting your abs, lift your shoulders 10-20 cm up, pointing your elbow
toward your knee.
3. Side curl lying down
Exercise aimed at flank muscles. Lying on your back, twist your pelvis
inward (in other words, press your lower back to the floor). Slightly lift
your shoulders, then, exhaling, reach with your left hand to your left
leg, straining the lateral abdominal muscles with all your might. Complete
3 to 4 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions per side.
4. Rock Climbing Exercise
Despite its apparent ease, this exercise requires a good level of
fitness. Stand in a plank pose with outstretched arms, tense your abs,
pull your leg up to your waist, then twist it slightly to the side. Make
sure your pelvis does not drop. Repeat in 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions
for each leg.
5. Turns with the ball
Sitting on the floor, raise your bent knees parallel. Take the ball in
your hands and begin to make alternating turns to the sides, at the end
point touching the floor with the ball. Try to tighten your abdominal
muscles as much as possible while moving. 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps.