The Best Exercises To Reduce Waist Size
If you have always been seeking ways to get rid of those excessive fats
from your waist, an exercise to reduce can actually help you at some point
as it can improves and shapes the waist as you consistently do the
exercise. You need to have certain concentration in doing it as it will
help you achieve your purpose.
Whatever we may call it, love handles, pot handles, oblique’s, etc. they
all pertains to our waist which is also considered one of the stubborn
area of the body next to the stomach that fats can’t help but accumulate
in there. The more we eat fatty and other unhealthy foods, the more fats
can be stored in our body specifically in our waist especially when life
is sedentary. You see, having a slim waist and a larger waist is a big
difference. Your smaller waist can give you all the benefits you want:
look good and attractive, wear any clothes you like, wear swimsuit at a
beach, giving you a health and longer life. As with larger waist, you will
have the hard time to get rid of it especially when foods are
With a larger waist, sure you will not be that confident in wearing
clothes you actually want but it doesn’t just fit you anymore. For sure
you will choose to buy dark colored clothes to cover those flabby waists,
and for sure, you have been trying to find the best gadget in town to
reduce waist. However, no matter how you try to find one, flabby waist can
only be reduced by asserting practical ways, such as diet and exercise.
With exercise alone, you will be able to appreciate change little by
If we maintain proper coordination between the energy stored and burnt,
we always feel light and healthy. So in this article, it will show you
exercise to reduce waist size:
Before doing specific exercises for working out the waist, cardio
exercises are very important in every weight loss plan, whether you want
to reduce fats on your tummy, face, arms, and waist. Our cardio exercise
workouts our total body allowing us to burn fats of the entire body
including the waist. So the waist exercises will add more effect that the
cardio gives, and so making the best result. Just do cardio for 30 minutes
daily such as swimming, running, jogging, brisk walking, etc.
Windshield Wipers
⚫ Lie on the floor and back pressed against the floor.
⚫ Now, with your legs straight, raise it on right side at least 6
inches from the floor and then lower the legs few inches from the floor
and then hold it.
⚫ Get back to the starting position and do it on the other
Seated Twists
⚫ Sit on a chair or on a stability (exercise) ball) with back
straight and eyes looking entirely forward.
⚫ Hold then your arms stretched in front of you in a shoulder
⚫ Now, turn your upper body to one side as far as it can go and
hold into such position for 10 counts,
⚫ Get back to the starting position and repeat on the other
Bicycle Crunches
⚫ Lie on your back on the floor with hands behind your hand.
⚫ Raise both legs 6 inches above the floor, and bend one right
⚫ Now, bring the left elbow towards the right bent knee and do it
also on the other side with left knee bent and bring right elbow to the
bent knee. Do it alternately.
⚫ You are as if pedaling on a bicycle.
⚫ Do as many steps as you can.
Exercise Ball Side Crunch
⚫ This is an exercise that specifically targets the waist.
⚫ Lie on your side on the exercise ball with your feet apart flat
on the ground for stability.
⚫ Now, do crunches on side raising the body off the ball. Bend on
your waist and pressed it ⚫ really to get the full effect of the exercise.
Russian Twist
⚫ This exercise to reduce waist is one of the hardest exercises but
can improve strength.
⚫ Lie on your back on a stability/exercise ball with feet flat on
the ground and few inches apart.
⚫ Hold hands together and move it to sides together with your upper
body and hold for 5-10 seconds. Go back on the center and repeat on the
other side.
There you go! Keep practicing, do this workout and the results will not
hesitate to come!