5 Best Exercises To Build Massive Back
No matter how great you look from the waist up, neglecting the
development of your Back will ultimately make your physique appear weird
and unbalanced.
Back training isn’t something that should be saved for “later”, once
you accomplish your goal of building a humongous upper body
We get it that you probably find it less appealing than for example,
biceps training, but the fact remains that if you’re hoping to build a
highly aesthetic and well-defined physique, you need to get as serious
about building big Back as you are about building a massive chest
We choose the following 6 exercises based on available studies, the
complexity of each movement, the amount of muscle each one activates,
and how special each one is relative to others.
This list will also assist you in determining where each exercise can
be placed in your workout.
Try this 5 Exercises To Build Massive Back
1-Barbell Bent Over Raw
In terms of pure weight you can lift, this is the second best back
Bent-over barbell rows work both the upper and lower back's wider
muscle classes, making this a perfect overall back builder.
This is a technical move that, like the deadlift, necessitates
excellent form.
Do bent-over rows for hard sets in lower rep ranges, between 6-8 to
8-10, near the beginning of your back exercise.
The Smith variant is a good substitute; it keeps you in the vertical
plane, but your body must be perfectly aligned with the bar.
Since the bent-over barbell row puts a larger lumbar strain on your
lower back than many other back exercises, it's better performed early
in your workout to support your lower back.
2-Wide-Grip Seated Cable Row
Using a wide grip on a lat bar is a good change of pace because it
concentrates more on the upper lats.
Broad rows are identical to some back machines, but don't mix the two
in your routine unless you make some modifications, such as grip or
target rep range.
You might even consider rotating your handle and heading around
shoulder-width apart, which would target the lower lats more easily so
your elbows will be closer to your arms.
In your workout: Ropes, like robots, are better completed at the
end of your session. Pick a weight that requires you to do no more than
12 reps.
3-Standing T-Bar Row
This is a great way to lift more weight as opposed to the chest
supported version of the same.
A wide grip will emphasize the laterals whereas a neutral grip
will target your middle back.
Be sure to stretch and contract your muscles in each rep to provide
maximum benefit.
How to do it
# Position a bad in a way to keep it from moving and add
on the appropriate weight
# Position a double D row handle at the collar of the rod
and grip while slightly keeping knees bent and back straight
# Keep arms straight and then pull up to your abdomen
while contacting your shoulder blades
# Make sure to focus on the squeeze and lower the rod to
complete one set
Two aspects are implied by reverse-grip movements: The biceps become
more important, and the lower portion of the lats becomes the goal as
the elbows draw in closer to your sides.
Since you don't have to think about balancing the Smith engine, you can
focus entirely on lifting as much weight as possible.
When you're banging out the hard sets, bend down about 45 degrees,
sticking low to the pole, and expect a little help from your hips and
The Smith machine has a set plane for acceleration, and being able to
really manipulate a weight (think four seconds up and four seconds down)
can be both novel and humbling.
You don't need more than one reverse-grip exercise in your
During the hard overhand pulls, do it about halfway into your
Don't be afraid to use wrist braces at some point during your back
5-Barbell Deadlift
This exercise targets the entire posterior chain, from the calves to
the upper traps, and it's the best for overall backside
For the deadlift, technique is key.
You will work your way up to lifting monster weights that will attract
full strength, unleash muscle-building hormones, and assist in your
You should also use one of the various deadlift advancement systems to
help you accomplish new personal bests.
On back day, stick to the traditional deadlift; other variants, such as
the common sumo-style, maximise the movement of muscles other than the
If you're doing a hard workout (sets of less than 6 reps), start with
deadlifts to keep your muscles fresh.
Deadlifts should be done later in your routine if you're using them
with repetitions.