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5 Best Home Triceps Dumbbell Exercises to Build Massive Arms

5 Best Home Triceps Dumbbell Exercises to Build Massive Arms
Triceps are two large muscles in your upper arms that are often missed or replaced with bicep exercises that don't produce the same results. Gym aficionados will also inform you that working on your triceps (rather than repeating the same bicep movements every day) is the best way to make your arms look stronger and bulkier, since they account for approximately 70% of the pump you're after.

Of course, there are a plethora of triceps workout routines to choose from, but since you're already here, start with these five dumbbell-only triceps workouts. Choose dumbbell weights that you're comfortable with, and don't go all out on the first day. Build yourself up slowly but gradually.
5 Best Home Triceps Dumbbell Exercises to Build Massive Arms

Start by warming up a little with the help of these two exercises:

Overhead triceps stretch x 3

Stand straight, with your legs apart, bring your left arm up and gently stretch the elbow down and back up. Repeat the movement on the right arm. 

Triceps towel stretch x 3

Again, stand straight, with your legs apart, raise one hand behind your head and the other one behind your back, holding a towel at its ends. Pull your hands in opposite directions for 15-20 seconds. Drop the towel, and start again.

Main Workout:

1. Dumbbell Seated Overhead Tricep Extension

5 Best Home Triceps Dumbbell Exercises to Build Massive Arms

As you sit upright in a chair or on a table, choose an appropriately weighted dumbbell and place it in your hands or over your back. Take a tight grip on the dumbbell and raise it above your head, then slowly lower it behind your head. Make sure your wrists are straight and your elbows are close to your head. Inhale as you lower the dumbbell and exhale as you lift it. Start with 5 reps x 3 sets and work your way up as you gain power.

2. Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension

5 Best Home Triceps Dumbbell Exercises to Build Massive Arms

The Dumbbell Skull Crusher, also known as the Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension, is a perfect way to develop strength and muscle. Lay down on a bench with your feet planted on the concrete, holding a correctly weighted dumbbell in your left hand. At all times, make sure the back and buttocks are in contact with the bench. Raise your left hand parallel to the bench. Bend your elbow to raise the dumbbell to the top of your head while holding your upper arm stationary, then return to the perpendicular position. Rep the action 3 times for a total of 5-10 reps.

3. Triceps Kickback

5 Best Home Triceps Dumbbell Exercises to Build Massive Arms

Set the bench aside and keep a dumbbell in each hand for this exercise. Stand with your feet apart and slightly bend your knees. Make sure your back is straight, your torso is parallel to the ground, and your upper arms are in near proximity to your body. To do this exercise, swing your forearms forward and backward in a swinging motion. 3 sets of 10-15 reps

4. Close Grip Dumbbell Push-Ups

5 Best Home Triceps Dumbbell Exercises to Build Massive Arms

To begin, place the dumbbells under your chest and force yourself up into a push-up position. As you get down to the deck, make sure your chest is in contact with the dumbbells. 3 sets of 10-15 reps

5. Tricep Dips with Dumbbells

5 Best Home Triceps Dumbbell Exercises to Build Massive Arms

Seated Tricep Dips are somewhat similar to this exercise. We'll use dumbbells instead of the chair or bench from Seated Tricep Dips, and do the same action.