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Quarantine Workout: 30 Days Bodyweight Fat Loss Challenge

30 Days Bodyweight Fat Loss Challenge
We are living crazy times! This pandemic got us into many lockdowns, gyms are closed, we are all living from our homes… Times have changed so dramatically.

Many of us are getting upset, many of us are getting fat, we are almost out of shape. But we still can do something to stay fit and healthy into our homes. I got something really special for you, to keep you safe, healthy both mentally and physically.

I want you to feel better than ever in your body—and this 30-day slim-down challenge can help you get there. Follow along with this weight loss challenge calendar that includes seven of the biggest fat-burning exercises out there (yes, including burpees), and watch how to perfect these powerful moves.

You’ll repeat each exercise weekly, adding reps as you go along. Combine these mega moves with healthy eating that challenges you to make small changes throughout the month, and you’ll feel a serious difference when these four weeks are up. Yes, you absolutely can lose weight in 30 days.

For the best possible rewards from this weight loss challenge, you can’t have one (exercise) without the other (healthy diet).

The Workout:


The Exercises:

Plyo Push-Up:

Plyo Push-Up

How to:

  • Start on the floor in a palm plank.
  • Push into palms to explode body off floor (feet stay planted), clapping hands if possible.
  • Land in the start position with elbows soft.
  • Repeat.
High-Knees Sprint:

High-Knees Sprint

How to:

  • Run in place.
  • Pulling your knees toward your chest.
  • Vigorously pumping bent arms.
Speed Skater Lunge:

Speed Skater Lunge

How to:

  • Standing, jump right foot to right, bending left leg and crossing it behind the right to land in a deep lunge with right leg bent 90 degrees and on the ball of left foot, leg slightly bent (keep butt as low as possible).
  • Reach left arm across body to touch the floor in front of right toes (to make it easier, touch right shin or just reach right).
  • Switch sides; repeat.
  • Continue quickly alternating sides.
Jump-Switch Lunge:

Jump-Switch Lunge

How to:

  • Standing, lunge forward with the left foot, bending knees 90 degrees.
  • Jump as high as you can, swinging arms overhead and switching legs in the air.
  • Land with arms by sides and right foot forward, immediately bending knees.
  • Continue quickly alternating sides.
Pilates Teaser:
Pilates Teaser

How to:

  • Lie faceup on the floor with knees bent over hips and arms extended up with palms facing each other to start.
  • Roll upper body up and extend legs until you’re sitting, body forming a V shape with arms parallel to legs.
  • Pause, then slowly roll upper body back down, one vertebra at a time, keeping legs in the air.
  • When your shoulders reach the mat, return to the start position.
  • Repeat.
  • Continue slowly.
Squat Jack:
Squat Jack

How to:

  • Standing, drop into a squat, bringing fists in front of chest with elbows bent at sides.
  • Jump feet wide, straightening legs and swinging arms out to sides and up to meet overhead.
  • Continue quickly.

How to:

  • From standing, crouch and plant palms on the floor.
  • Jump feet back to plank (keep abs tight), then lower chest and thighs to the floor.
  • Press up to plank, then jump feet toward hands.
  • Lastly, jump as high as you can (make sure feet are under shoulders before you launch), clapping hands overhead.
  • Continue quickly.
Give this challenge a try! Pay a good attention to your diet and sleep, and you will have better results than going to gym! You will come out of quarantine in a better , and healthier version of yourself! Just comeback here and let me know how this worked out for you!

Share with your loved ones to challenge them!