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6 Meals high protein to eat before going to sleep

5 Meals high protein to eat before going to sleep
On the other hand, one or two hours before going to bed, if you enjoy a smaller amount of meal-containing calories, it will help you develop muscle mass without adding a lot of body fat.
1. Canned Tuna With Olive Oil

Canned Tuna With Olive Oil

Choose canned tuna with a little olive oil if you're tired of cooking something to eat before going to sleep. Eating olive oil along with tuna is advantageous because it offers additional healthy fats that are required to remain healthy, whereas canned tuna provides a lot of protein beforehand.
You will get 220 calories, 42 grams of protein, zero grams of carbs and six grams of fat from one can of tuna (165g) and a bit of olive oil.
2. Cottage Cheese and Almonds

Cottage Cheese and Almonds

Another nice meal that helps to avoid fast food cravings before going to bed is a combination of cottage cheese and almonds. You absorb them slower when you consume both of these things together, so your body can get a slow and steady release of nutrients while you are sleeping, which is good for building muscle mass.
Approximately 327 calories, 34 grams of protein, 16 grams of fat, and 11 grams of carbs are contained in one cup of low-fat cottage cheese and one ounce of almonds.

3. Greek Yoghurt and Chia Seeds

Greek Yoghurt and Chia Seeds

In comparison to standard yogurt, reek yogurt is common among bodybuilders as a sweet and safe food to choose when you want to get more nutrients and protein. You get an antioxidant meal rich in fiber, omega-3 and protein if you eat Greek yoghurt along with Chia seeds and berries.
180 calories, 23 grams of protein, three grams of fat and 14 grams of carbs are found in one cup of Greek yogurt along with one tablespoon of Chia seeds.
4. Whey Protein and Peanut Butter

Whey Protein and Peanut Butter

Whey protein is recognized for helping bodybuilders develop muscle mass by supplying important amino acids that are essential to muscle growth by stimulating the development of anabolic hormones. People hate to eat whey protein alone most of the time, but if eaten along with peanut butter, or some other kind of nuts you want, it can be wonderful.
There are 288 calories, 28 grams of protein, 16 grams of fat and 12 grams of carbs in two tablespoons of nuts or 28 grams of peanut butter along with whey protein.

5. Low-Fat Cheese With Raw Veggies

Low-Fat Cheese With Raw Veggies

Eating too many fat-rich items before bed can lead to poor sleep, so choosing low-fat cheese before bed is safer. In order to develop muscle mass, it will provide enough protein, while raw veggies like tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, or any other veggie you like will increase your intake of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
270 calories, 36 grams of protein, 10 grams of fat and seven grams of carbs will be given by a meal consisting of 150 grams of cheese and 200 grams of vegetables.

6. Casein and Flax

When you need to get more slow-digested protein and avoid muscle breakdown while sleeping, casein protein is a favorite product among bodybuilders. Pair it with flaxseed oil in your shake to make casein even more beneficial, as it helps prevent cholesterol issues, decreases the risk of liver disease, and reduces blood pressure.
You'll consume 221 calories, 20 grams of protein, two grams of fat and three grams of carbs by consuming 28 grams of casein protein powder and one tablespoon of flaxseed oil.