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5 Effective Exercises To Get Rid Of Double Chin And Neck Fat


You probably feel less guilty now for having that bag of meat or double chin that accompanies you everywhere, right?

exercises to get rid of double chin
The double chin is one of the most difficult areas of the body that is visible to everyone and cannot be covered with necklaces or makeup. However, there are other ways to get rid of your double chin without needing surgery or magic creams.

Fortunately some very specific exercises to eliminate double chin and neck fat. Using these simple exercises you will get a thinner face from any angle.

Check out these five exercises that are proven to tighten and tone the chin area, before you start, warm up by moving your chin back and forth.

5 exercises to get rid of double chin

1. Spoon

Every step must be done slowly so the chin muscles are involved in the exercise correctly.
So let’s start with this easy exercise:

1. First, you should open your mouth wide and then put the lower lip back as if you wanted to cover your lower teeth.
2. Finally, close your mouth by keeping the lower lip in the same position while carrying the jaw a little forward.

Allow your muscles to relax before going to the next exercise. Relax your jaw by opening and slowly closing your mouth.

2. Kiss

Although it is a very simple exercise, it helps to tone the neck very effectively. This exercise is as described:

Incline your head up and move your lips the same way you would if you wished to give a kiss, you only have to force a little more gesture.

3. Touch your nose

For this exercise:

1. Sticking out his tongue in an attempt to touch your nose with her.
2. Put a finger under your chin to feel how your muscles are exercising and to have better control over exercise intensity.

4. Resistance

This exercise of resistance will help you to reduce the volume of double chin.

1. Close your hands and place them directly under your chin.
2. Press your chin down into your fists for 5 seconds.

5. Perfect oval

For this last exercise

1. You need to rotate your head to the side and bring your jaw forward.
2. You will be able now to feel the extension of the muscles of the jaw and neck.
3. Keep the position for some seconds and do the exercise again by turning your head to the other side.

Below a video of How to get rid of the double chin

Here are delicious foods to eat if you want to get rid of double chin and neck fat:
Fortunately, there is food that helps to combat the effects of double chin and also keeps our bodies healthy.

Green tea. This is one of the most recommended drinks thanks to detoxifying properties. Drinking a cup a day will help you quickly reduce double chin.

Beet. It is an excellent food source for detoxification, High in fiber and potassium, that helps to speed up the digestive process and prevent fluid retention.

Lemon. Its detoxification effect on your body and also has certain properties to eliminate the toxins which your body does not need.

Coffee. Has antioxidant properties for skin and prevents fluid retention because it is a diuretic food.

Blueberry. A powerful fruit has many benefits for your body, it helps eliminate fluids, toxins as well as anti-inflammatory.

Chewing gum. By chewing gum regularly, you can make chin moves, which helps to eliminate double chin.
SHARE these awesome exercises with all your friends. They’ll thank you later when get rid of double chin!