What Happens If You Take Too Much Protein..!
It’s true that bodybuilders and weightlifters need to keep the protein up in their diet in order to maintain and build the large muscle mass which is so important to their sports or recreation. Protein is found in meat, fish, chicken, beans, milk, soy products like tofu, and in lesser amounts in nuts and grains.
But is high protein supplementation really dangerous for your health?
Proteins are the main material for cell growth and regeneration. It is extremely important for your body. The second most abundant substance in your body next to water is protein. Furthermore, antibody cells are made of it.
All hormones and digestive enzymes are also made of protein. Despite the facts, many people still don’t understand the importance of if for health.
Protein is composed of many sub-units called amino acids. There are two categories of amino acids: essential and non-essential amino acids. As many as nine amino acids are in the essential category while on the other hand there are eleven which belong to non-essential category. All amino acids are necessary. The term essential simply means it cannot be synthesized by human body.
The estimated daily requirements are set by various nutrition authorities in each country. A person normally needs 0.5 – 1 grams of protein per pound of body weight. If you weigh 150 pounds, you normally need 75 – 150 grams a day. This is the normal daily intake for average people. If you work out regularly, you are going to need more protein to restore the cells which are damaged during workout. For those who are bulking up, the recommended daily intake is 1.5 – 3 grams per pound body weight.
One capsule of amino supplement only gives you 1 – 2 grams of protein. That means, you need 30 – 50 capsule of amino to meet your normal daily protein requirement. One hundred grams of beef has 18-19 grams of protein. That means you need more than 300 grams of beef each day to get enough protein for your body. The fact is most people are often deprived of it.
Nutritionist Delia A. Hammock, MS., R.D. in her article in her book, Total Nutrition: The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need, says that there is no scientific proof that excessive protein intake can cause kidney failure. However, excessive consumption of protein by a person with kidney disorder may be harmful to his kidney.
For people with kidney disorder, they have to watch their protein intake from their daily foods like meat, chicken, milk, etc. On the other hand, increased intake by normal people will not cause kidney disorder or even kidney failure.