Top 10 Tricks To Build Muscle Fast !
Most men go about building muscle the same way: Lift until a specific
muscle group feels like it’s going to explode, then suck down a protein
shake after the workout. While these strategies will help you build
muscle, there are several tricks to help you accelerate your progress and
maximize the benefits of your training time.
1.Exercise complexes
One way to stimulate muscle growth is to superset two exercises that use
the same muscle groups, but in a different fashion. For example, perform a
deadlift for six reps, then go into a discontinuous broad jump for eight
reps. Among others, this activates the glutes, hamstrings and quads with a
high-load, low-velocity stimulus, immediately followed by a low-load,
high-velocity stimulus.
2.Heavy negatives
Muscles are stronger eccentrically than they are concentrically (the
positive portion of the lift). As a result, the stimulus you present your
muscle is typically limited by your concentric strength. This is why
people can always control a bar down to their chest during a bench press,
but may not be able to push it back up. Performing heavy negatives with a
weight above your concentric one-rep maximum will maximally stimulate your
muscle in an eccentric movement pattern.
This is especially effective with exercises like squats, chin-ups and
bench-pressing. You can use this technique with arm work too by combining
exercises like a dumbbell close grip bench press then a dumbbell
skull-crusher (for the negative phase) or a dumbbell hang clean (for the
positive phase) and a dumbbell biceps curl (for the negative phase).
In order to stimulate muscle growth, you need to provide your muscles
with an overloading stimulus. It is a well-known fact that you can’t
perform maximally, mentally or physically, if you’re dehydrated. In order
perform each set with maximal focus and intensity, you need to be properly
hydrated. Ensure that you’re drinking adequate water throughout the
4.Minimize conditioning
Excessive conditioning is one of the biggest workout mistakes people
make. Your body can only adapt to so many stressors. Excessive
conditioning can increase your cortisol levels, which is a catabolic
hormone. For “hard gainers,” burning extra calories will make it
increasingly difficult for you to add mass. If you aren’t an athlete, and
you move throughout the day, you can get away with a few training phases
without any conditioning.
5.Maximize your sleep quality and quantity
Quality sleep improves your anabolic hormone profile and facilitates
recovery. Simply put, this allows you to train harder, recover faster and
make better progress. Individual sleep needs differ, but you should aim to
get between seven to nine hours of motionless, drool-pooling sleep a
Zinc Magnesium Aspartate (ZMA) is a mineral supplement reported to
improve your anabolic hormone profile. Anecdotally, ZMA supplementation
will improve the quality/deepness of your sleep. Regardless of whether the
mineral supplement improves your anabolic hormone profile directly
(unlikely if you aren’t consuming a zinc-deficient diet) or indirectly
through improving your sleep quality, most men agree that it works.
7.Timed sets
Research suggests that heavy sets lasting from 30 to 70 seconds are ideal
for stimulating muscle growth. Traditional training programs call for a
certain number of “reps” per set as an indirect way to reach specific
“time under tension” lengths. Realistically, most men perform sets of 10
to 12 reps in less than 15 seconds. Performing sets for time guarantees
that your muscles are stimulated for the time periods necessary for
stimulating hypertrophy.
8.Enhance preworkout nutrition
Most men focus on what they take in after they’re done training. While
consuming a rapidly digesting protein and carbohydrate drink immediately
after your training will help replenish your muscles’ energy stores and
stimulate protein synthesis (muscle building), it still takes time for
these nutrients to be digested and absorbed. Taking down a drink is better
than eating a chicken sandwich because it takes less time to be digested
and absorbed.
For the same reason, consuming your training drink immediately before
and/or during your training session will help ensure that the nutrients
are being delivered to the working muscle as quickly as possible, leading
to a faster recoveryprocess. Using this strategy will also provide your
body with nutrients while you’re training, which can give you the extra
push you need to get through your last few exercises.
9.Use multi-joint exercises
Most men spend way too much time on single-joint exercises geared toward
isolating a muscle and getting a “pump.” While a few isolation-based
exercises are OK , the majority of your program should be made up of
multi-joint exercises, like deadlifts, chin-ups, dumbbell chest presses,
and lunges. Multi-joint exercises activate/stimulate more muscle mass per
repetition, which increases anabolic hormone production.
10.Increase caloric intake
The most common complaint among men who want to add mass is that they
“can’t put on weight, no matter what they do.” If you’re struggling
to gain weight, you need to eat more. If you think you’re eating a lot,
you aren’t. Eat more. Sneak in calories whenever you can. Add Parmesan
cheese to your salads. Put peanut butter on your fruit. Get 2% or
whole milk instead of 1% or skim.