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How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Faster Than Ever

You can find lots of answers on how to get rid of love handles fast, but which methods work? Sometimes it can be frustrating to find that you have gained weight, especially when you want to get out and feel good about yourself. Are there gadgets or a magic pill that are going to reduce that annoying fat on the sides of your waist? Of course not, if you want to find a permanent solution to weight loss, you are going to have to do the work. A good diet and exercise program are key to winning the battle of the bulge, and junk food and lazy habits have no place in the program. The following are a few tips you can use to reduce your waistline quickly.

Change your diet

In order to lose weight you want to modify your diet. Consider what you are currently eating every day and maybe even start a food journal. Eliminate simple carbohydrates like sugar, pasta, and white bread, and replace them with complex carbohydrates like whole grain pasta, breads and cereals. Start eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, and try more lean protein. You want a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and low in fat and calories. Cut out junk food, and start preparing your own fresh meals at home.

Drink more water

Water is extremely important in maintaining hydration for the body. Avoid drinks like soda, energy drinks, and alcohol when you are trying to get rid of love handles fast. These drinks are often filled with sugar and calories and will make it more difficult to take off the pounds. Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water throughout the day, and you will begin to see a slimmer you. I like to have a large glass of water at my desk for convenience, and as a reminder to keep drinking water. It flushes out toxins, and can even jumpstart your metabolism.

Do Exercises That Focus On Your Love Handles

One of the most effective ways to zap those love handles, in addition to diet and proper hydration, is to start exercising. Start by doing some cardio exercises like brisk walking, biking, or swimming. Cardio is wonderful for raising the heart rate, and burning fat and calories. Try some pilates, and stretch, bend, and flex at your core. By strengthening your abdominal muscles, you are building muscles that automatically burn fat.