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The Top 5 Exercises To Get Rid Of Your Love Handles

Overhanging fat that spills over the waistline of pants is known as muffin-top or  love handles or “spare tire”. This connects your upper and lower part of the body To slim those parts and  tone your stomach, train your core muscles—specifically the “love handles”.


Not only that, strong core can also help reduce back pain.


  • Superman
  • Scissors
  • Dynamic Plank
  • Side Plank Knee-Tuck
  • Downward facing dog
Do the 18-minute workout and train your upper-abs, love handles, lower abs, and work on deep core strength. Mix and match any of the them in your gym routine or at home workout. Proper nutrition plays a big role  so supplement your workouts with a healthy balanced diet.
  1. Superman Exercise

Lie and face down on the floor  with extend arms fully over your head and next to your ears. Contract your glutes and raise your  legs , arms, and chest off of the floor. For 1 to 2 seconds hold the top position. Then lower your legs , arms  and chest back to the starting position and inhale.
Make repetition 10 to 12 times.
  1. Side Plank With Tuck

On your left side with your legs straight lie than prop yourself up with your right forearm so your body forms a diagonal line. Lift hips while forming a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders and you should brace your core.
Raise your top leg while keeping your torso stable. Bring your top knee toward your chest without changing the angle of your body. Make pause for 1 to 2 seconds and back to the starting position. Repeat 10-12 repetitions  and repeat all that on the other side.
  1. Downward-Facing Dog

Place yourself  into a forearm plank with your elbows beneath your shoulders, and legs extended.
Engage your glutes and draw your navel toward the spine . Through your heels press that  calves are lengthened. Form a straight line from head to heels.
By pushing your hips up and back exhale and shift your weight backward. Move your body to form an inverted V, so your head to hang loosely between your shoulders.
Keep your legs extended and maintain a flat back. Stay in that position for 1-2 seconds.  And before moving to the next exercise back and forth for 10-12 repetitions.
  1. Scissors

On your back Lie flat with your arms at your sides, palms pressing into the floor. If you feel the need to protect your lower back than place your hands under your pelvis.
Your both legs lift off the floor towards the ceiling, contract your abs and press your lowers abs into the ground.
Slowly lower your right leg while keeping your abs engaged and lower back on the ground until it’s a few inches above the floor. While lowering your left leg down,  lift your right leg up. Alternate between your legs for 10 -12 reps per leg.
  1. Dynamic plank

This exercise strengthen your core, and works your chest and shoulders.
Begin  in plank position with your elbows beneath your shoulders. Form a straight-line from your head to heels.
Your right hand move into standard push-up position,  move your left hand into standard push up position. By lowering onto your right forearm return to the starting position and then your left forearm.
Alternate both sides. Make repetition  until you complete 10-12 reps on each side.

The Workout

* As a circuit complete 3 sets of the following exercises. With little to no rest between exercises perform each exercise for the prescribed number of repetitions.
Make rest 60 to 90 seconds between sets. All the workout takes less 18 minutes.