Losing Belly Fat - Best 3 Sure Ways to Burn Belly Fat Fast
In order to be losing belly fat you should be eating the right foods and doing the right exercises. There is no need to take any supplements or stomach wraps. All you need to do is be willing to work hard for it and you will get the lean body you desire.
First start out with diet. There are some basic nutritional rules you should follow like eat natural foods. Foods like lean meats, fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts are all known to burn belly fat and build muscle.
Limit your carb intake. Starchy carb sources like bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, and oatmeal should all be limited to about 2 meals a day. The best time to eat these kinds of carbs is early in the morning like for breakfast.
That way your body does not turn it into fat because you will burn it off. Also after a workout since your body needs proper recovery and these foods really help along with protein.
Try to eat 5-6 small meals a day. With each meal there should be a balance between healthy fats, protein, and carbs. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with carbs for energy without the calories the starchy carbs have.
Some great sources of protein include lean beef, eggs, milk, chicken, turkey, and cottage cheese. As for healthy fats there is olive oil, avocados, eggs, fish, almonds, and natural peanut butter.
2) Do effective ab exercises.
Exercises like basic crunches on the floor are ineffective because they do not target your belly fat and they strain your back and neck.
Instead do exercises like reverse crunches.
These are kind of the opposite of regular crunches. Start by laying on the floor with your legs up and your knees bent to the point where your calves are parallel to the floor.
Then bring your knees back and touch your chest. Then bring them forward to the starting position. That is one rep. Aim for 3 sets of 10 for a start.
3) Focus on other exercises too.
Compound movements are by far the most effective exercises for losing belly fat. The best exercises are squats, chest presses, shoulder presses, chin ups, and rows.
These exercises should be the main focus of your workouts since they are harder and burn a lot more calories for a longer time than ab exercises.
They work more than one muscle group and really hep work your core which is why they are ideal for losing belly fat.